Scenes from the Cocoa Beach Air Show, November 6th, 2011
Friday, September 28, 2012
Ron Paul QE3 Predictions Are Already Proving to be Correct
It hasn’t even been a month yet since the Fed made their QE3 announcement, but Paul’s Austrian-based analysis would suggest that it will only continue to make things worse. By further devaluing the dollar, buying up near-worthless debt, and keeping interest rates near zero, the Fed is sending terrible signals to the economy while simultaneously not allowing the debt and malinvestment to be liquidated. Without this necessary correction, true economic production and growth can not be achieved. Paul’s recommendation of a “strong dollar and market interest rates” is once again being unheeded.
What's the definition of insanity again?
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Cocoa Beach Air Show 2011 part 2
Scenes from the Cocoa Beach Air Show, November 6th, 2011
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Advertisement for Super Return of The Jedi
Advertisement for Super Return of The Jedi from the December 1994 issue of Super Play
Info, Issue Number 8, September/October 1985
Cocoa Beach Air Show 2011 part 1 - YouTube
Scenes from the Cocoa Beach Air Show, November 6th, 2011.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Dreamcast Magazine, Issue Number 1, September 1999
Soros: Obama, Romney 'Not Much Difference'
If it’s between Obama and Romney, there isn’t all that much difference except for the crowd that they bring with them.
Says George Soros. I agree but I don't look at it as a positive...
Monday, September 24, 2012
2011-10-10 - Ron Paul Sign Bomb
Ron Paul sign wave @ 192 & Evans Rd. near the Melbourne Square Mall in Melbourne, FL
Friday, September 21, 2012
Zzap! Issue Number 40, December 1988
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Activisions, Volume 1, Fall 1981
2011-08-05 - Launch of JUNO
2011-08-05 - Launch of JUNO: Launch of the JUNO mission to Jupiter aboard an Atlas 5. -
CBO raises estimate of those hit by Obama health care tax
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Tips & Tricks, March 1997
Commodore Horizons, December/January 1984

Commodore Horizons: The Independent Commodore Magazine, December 1983 / January 1984
Demanding justice from Libya, Egypt and Pakistan
The time has come for the United States to leave the Middle East
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Llamasoft Advertisement
Llamasoft Advertisement from the December/January 1984 issue of Commodore Horizons
Obama wins right to indefinitely detain Americans under NDAA
So Obama signs the NDAA into law but talks about how he opposes this particular provision. But later he sues to keep the provision in place? And people believe anything this man says?
Monday, September 17, 2012
TurboPlay, February/March 1991

The February/March 1991 issue of TurboPlay. This was a TurboGrafx-16/Turbo Duo/Turbo CD specific magazine by the editors of VideoGames & Computer Entertainment.
Ron Paul's Introduction @ the 3rd Annual Liberty Summit
Ron Paul's introduction at the 3rd Annual Liberty Summit at the Rosen Centre Hotel in Orlando, FL.
How QE3 Will Make The Wealthy Even Wealthier While Causing Living Standards To Fall For The Rest Of Us
The money for QE3 is being created out of thin air and this round of quantitative easing is going to be “open-ended” which means that the Federal Reserve is going to keep doing it for as long as they feel like it. But is this really good for the average American on the street? No way.
Because this is open ended, it's more like QE infinity... Yay!
Friday, September 14, 2012
Advertisement for Sinistron and Tricky Kick for the TurboGrafx-16

Advertisement for Sinistron and Tricky Kick for the TurboGrafx-16 from the February/March 1991 issue of TurboPlay
Bruce Fein @ Florida Liberty Summit
Bruce Fein speaking at the 3rd Annual Florida Liberty Summit.
Ron Paul Says QE3 Will Lead to a Worse Economic Crash Than What We Saw in 2008
“No one is surprised by the Fed’s action today to inject even more money into the economy through additional asset purchases. The Fed’s only solution for every problem is to print more money and provide more liquidity. Mr. Bernanke and Fed governors appear not to understand that our current economic malaise resulted directly because of the excessive credit the Fed already pumped into the system.
“For all of its vaunted policy tools, the Fed now finds itself repeating the same basic action over and over in an attempt to prime the economy with more debt and credit. But this latest decision to provide more quantitative easing will only prolong our economic stagnation, corrupt market signals, and encourage even more misallocation and malinvestment of resources. Rather than stimulating a real recovery by focusing on a strong dollar and market interest rates, the Fed’s announcement today shows a disastrous detachment from reality on the part of our central bank. Any further quantitative easing from the Fed, in whatever form, will only make our next economic crash that much more serious.”
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Obama's NDAA Law Allowing Indefinite Military Detention of Citizens Ruled Unconstitutional
They argued that the phrasing of the law, which allows for the detention of anyone who has “substantially supported al-Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners,” is so broad that in infringes on their own first-amendment rights.
Judge Katherine Forrest, a recent Obama appointee to the federal bench, was clearly sympathetic, and granted a preliminary injunction of the offending sections of the law.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Computer Gaming World, Issue Number 91, February 1992
Does stringent security make the Sept. 11 memorial safer—or a hassle to visit and an infringement on our civil liberties?
Eleven years after 9/11 and a year after the memorial opened, it’s time for a freedom-loving people to consider the purpose and impact of such security measures. Let’s ask the experts—and ourselves—three questions. Is enhanced security necessary at the memorial? Are the specific measures in place likely to be effective? And what is their cost to a free society?
The terrorists attack us "for our freedom" yet every day we are less free. At least I still have the freedom not to go...for now.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Monday, September 10, 2012
Friday, September 7, 2012
Kings Island - The Racer (2011-07-06) - YouTube
Riding The Racer (red) at Kings Island
Bernanke to Congress: We're Much Closer to Total Destruction Than You Think
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Details of the Auto Bailout You Won’t Hear in Charlotte
But an informed citizenry should insist on a proper accounting of the costs of those policies, as well—not just the losses put on the taxpayers’ tab (right now taxpayers’ “investment” in GM is $27 billion, but the public’s 500 million shares of GM stock is worth only $10 billion), but the unseen costs.
Sure some jobs were preserved in some locations, but what about the less visible consequences and ripple effects? What isn’t so easily seen, but is every bit as important to assessing the auto interventions is the effects on the other auto companies and their workers (i.e., the majority of the U.S. auto industry).
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Former Sen. Chris Dodd Calls Ron Paul Plan For Internet Freedom "Dangerous"
Paul’s plan, which he calls “The Technology Revolution,” would ban the government from regulating the Internet in any way. But Dodd, who now works as Hollywood’s top lobbyist, cautioned that such a system would make it impossible to protect creative property, including films.
“It’s dangerous,” he continued. “It would be dangerous for the Internet.”
First of all, it would in no way be "dangerous" for the internet. Second, copyright infringement should be a civil matter, not one that Hollywood lobbies our government to spend tax dollars on.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
EGM 2, Issue Number 5, November 1994
Megacon 2011 - William Shatner - part 5
William Shatner at Megacon 2011 in Orlando, FL.