Amiga World Tech Journal (August/September 1991)
This spinoff of Amiga World didn't last all that long but it was a pretty good technically oriented publication for the Amiga. It was pretty expensive but it also came with a disk that included source and executables for everything in the magazine. The August/September 1991 issue of Amiga World Tech Journal includes:
- ARexx Arcana: Hosts and Quotes - Successful command passing
- Inside SCSI - An explanation of the spec
- The Basics of Ray Tracing - Master light rays and shadows
- An Introduction to Boopsi - The Amiga's own OOP
- System Events and Event-Handling Routines - A look at the Exec's bookkepping
- PostScript Primer - Graphics-output starter kit
- Get Noticed - Prime PR pointers
- Start-up Messages - Decode those flashing colors
- RxTools - Intuition help for ARexx
- AmeegaView - Shortcuts for C
- MINIX 1.5 - Minix-Unix for the Amiga
- Message Port - Learn or lend a hand
- Digging Deep in the OS - Choose your math library
- TNT - Products just out and on the way
- Letters - What are you really thinking?
On Disk
- 2.0 include files - straight from the CATS' mouth
- Post - a PostScript interpreter
...and more!
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