Commodore World (October/November 1996)
I generally consider the last mainstream stand-alone Commodore magazine issue to be published in the U.S. as the final issue of RUN in November/December 1992. However, disk only publications and a subscription only magazine or two lingered on for several more years. One example is Commodore World. The October/November 1996 issue includes: Feature
- CMD's New Time Machine - What advantages might the SuperCPU have for your applications?
- All About SuperGEOS - GEOS and the SuperCPU work well together - and here's why.
- Commodore Demos Part 3 - Our final look at the demo-scene... for now!
- Cleaning Out The GEOS Closet - Sometimes getting better organized really is worthwhile.
- It All Adds Up to geoCalc - Take a look at using GEOS for your spreadsheet applications.
- FileSplitter - A handy type-in program for dealing with oversized files.
- Hardware: Morse Coach - Forgotten Worlds, Grand Prix Circuit, and Death Sword.
- Games - Karate Champ/Kung-Fu Master, the Ghost of Genghis Khan, and Zamczysko.
- Just For Starters - There's more than one way to win at computer games.
- Graphic Interpretation - Looking for more geoWrite goodies?
- Carrier Detect - If you thought online chatting died with Q-Link, better check this out...
- Hard Tips - Keep your mouse one step ahead of the cat!
- GeoProgrammist - Learn the in's and out's of creating and modifying GEOS data files.
- Assembly Line - 6402 vs. 65816: The added benefit of using 16-bit routines.
- Basic Instincts - Once upon a time subroutines...
- Over The Edge - Warning: Computing Can Be Hazardous to Your Health.
- From the Editor
- BackTalk
- Commodore Trivia
- On The Horizon
- Classified Ads
- Advertiser's Index
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