Commander (June 1984)
- Electronic Blackboard - Children can learn more than just the 3 'R's with Matchboxes, Brain Strainers, Telly Turtle, and Samson & Delilah.
- The Music Instructor - A unique approach to learning pitch recognition. Intonation and interval identification are included in the program.
- Explorations with Assembly - Assembly language is put to use in this month's column; A screen dump program is dissected to show you how it works.
- BASIC Training: A Beginner's Introduction to Commodore BASIC Programming - Lesson 4.
- News, Views, Previews & Reviews - Disk drives! Colin reviews the new MSD dual disk drive.
- Apple Pick'n - Racing against the clock, you must find the way through the labyrinth to your food supply.
- Command Post - Exchanging programs with friends around the world? Yes! Your computer and ham radio equipment can do just that.
- The Newsletter Editor - This program takes some of the work out of publishing a newsletter. NED reads disk text files written on any word processor, without the program that generated the text.
- Modify Your 8K Cartridge to include ROM's - Step by step instructions for upgrading a VIC-20 expansion cartridge.
- Screen Dump 64 - After you create a picture with your computer graphics, how do you show it off? You give your friends a printed copy of your creation, of course.
- Functionally Yours - The mysterious four keys on the right side of the keyboard are explained.
- Func*keys = A utility to bring those function keys to life.
- BASIC + ML = ? - Examples showing how BASIC and Machine Language can live and work together.
- Key Mander
- User Groups
- REMs to Readers
- New Products
- Command Board
- News Releases
- Letters
- Advertisers Index
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