RUN – Special Issue Number 1 – 1985
- Sound and Music - A programming guide for creating sound on the Commodore 64 and VIC 20.
- Introduction to Graphics - An introduction to creating graphics on the Commodore 64 and VIC-20. This article covers everything from the basic PETSCII character set to bit-mapped/high-resolution graphics to sprites.
- Color You C-64 Canvas - Another graphics programming article. This one goes into more detail on creating high resolution graphics on the Commodore 64.
- Sprite Delight - A type-in program for creating sprites on the Commodore 64.
- Create Your Own Characters - A type-in program to aid in the creation of custom character sets on the VIC-20.
- Picture This... - A type-in drawing program for the VIC-20.
- Do's and Don'ts of Computer Use - Various advice on computers from why you should (or should not) get one, where you should put it, how to expand it and so on.
- It's Only a Modem Away - A tutorial on telecommunications and the use of a modem, specifically covering the Commodore 1600 VIC-Modem and 1650 AutoModem. Also some how to's for specific online services such as CompuServe.
- The First Step - A beginner's guide to BASIC programming on the VIC-20 or Commodore 64.

Table of Contents from the 1985 Special Edition of RUN Magazine
- RUNning Ruminations - The letter from the editor, this month introducing this special issue of RUN.
- How To Type Listings From RUN - Some tips on typing in the programs included in the magazine.
- Magic - RUN's monthly hardware and software tips and trick section, offering including small pieces of code. This special issue includes a compilation of tips from the previous year as well as new tips and tricks for this issue.
- Club List - A list of Commodore computer clubs from around the world with their contact information.
- A Commodore Glossary - A glossary of computer terms, emphasizing Commodore computers.

Table of Contents from the 1985 Special Edition of RUN Magazine (continued)
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