Saturday, June 30, 2012
Friday, June 29, 2012
TurboForce - Issue Number 1 - June 1992

The premier issue of TurboForce magazine covering TurboGrafx-16 CD and Turbo Duo games. -
Megacon 2010 - Star Trek Fans Alert!!! part 4
Q & A with two of Star Trek's most recognized characters Levar Burton and Brent Spiner moderated by Dino Leto.
part 4 -
Ron Paul on Supreme Court ObamaCare Ruling
“I strongly disagree with today’s decision by the Supreme Court, but I am not surprised. The Court has a dismal record when it come to protecting liberty against unconstitutional excesses by Congress.
“Today we should remember that virtually everything government does is a ‘mandate.’ The issue is not whether Congress can compel commerce by forcing you to buy insurance, or simply compel you to pay a tax if you don’t. The issue is that this compulsion implies the use of government force against those who refuse. The fundamental hallmark of a free society should be the rejection of force. In a free society, therefore, individuals could opt out of “Obamacare” without paying a government tribute.
“Those of us in Congress who believe in individual liberty must work tirelessly to repeal this national health care law and reduce federal involvement in healthcare generally. Obamacare can only increase third party interference in the doctor-patient relationship, increase costs, and reduce the quality of care. Only free market medicine can restore the critical independence of doctors, reduce costs through real competition and price sensitivity, and eliminate enormous paperwork burdens. Americans will opt out of Obamacare with or without Congress, but we can seize the opportunity today by crafting the legal framework to allow them to do so.”
Ron Paul to Hold Major Rally in Tampa Ahead of RNC
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Advertisement: GameBoy Advance

Advertisement - Jonny Moseley Mad Trix, Army Men Advance, Army Men: Operation Green, High Heat and Cubix by 3D0 for the Game Boy Advance - From Nintendo Power Advance issue number 3 -
Asteroid hunters want to launch private telescope
Megacon 2010 - Star Trek Fans Alert!!! part 3
Q & A with two of Star Trek's most recognized characters Levar Burton and Brent Spiner moderated by Dino Leto.
part 3 -
Congressional panel clears way for Fed audit bill
A U.S. House of Representatives panel on Wednesday approved a measure that would allow an audit of the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy decisions, a level of scrutiny the centralbank says would compromise its independence.
The measure was proposed by Republican Representative Ron Paul, a long-time critic of the central bank, and has 257 co-sponsors, more than half of all House members.
Its approval by the House Oversight Committee clears the way for a vote in the full House. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor said last month the House would vote on the legislation in July.
“The Fed’s balance sheet now stands at nearly $3 trillion. It is long past time for a real audit,” said Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa.
Compromise its independence? From what? Responsibility?
Texas college hacks government drone
There are a lot of cool things you can do with $1,000, but scientists at an Austin, Texas college have come across one that is often overlooked: for less than a grand, how’d you like to hijack a US government drone?
A group of researchers led by Professor Todd Humphreys from the University of Texas at Austin Radionavigation Laboratory recently succeeded in raising the eyebrows of the US government. With just around $1,000 in parts, Humphreys’ team took control of an unmanned aerial vehicle operated by the US Department of Homeland Security.
After being challenged by his lab, the DHS dared Humphreys’ crew to hack into their drone and take command. Much to their chagrin, they did exactly that.
Judge Napolitano on What Comes Next for Stockton, California
Union workers in Stockton, California are nervous because once the town files for bankruptcy, contracts presumably will become null and void.
Earlier on Your World, Judge Andrew Napolitano weighed in on this topic, stating that the Constitution prohibits the government from interfering with a contract and taking anyone’s property without suing them for it and demonstrating fault before a jury, except when it comes to bankruptcy.
He said, “If they file for bankruptcy, a federal bankruptcy judge in San Francisco alone, not with a jury, will look at the obligations that they have and the income that they are likely to have and she or he will make the decision. That judge will have the power to say to the unions, ‘You have an agreement that says you’re going to earn $50,000 a year, I’m cutting it down to $35,000.’”
This all assumes the Federal government does not come in with a taxpayer funded bailout at some point...
Hitler's Economics
For today’s generation, Hitler is the most hated man in history, and his regime the archetype of political evil. This view does not extend to his economic policies, however. Far from it. They are embraced by governments all around the world. The Glenview State Bank of Chicago, for example, recently praised Hitler’s economics in its monthly newsletter. In doing so, the bank discovered the hazards of praising Keynesian policies in the wrong context.
The issue of the newsletter (July 2003) is not online, but the content can be discerned via the letter of protest from the Anti-Defamation League. “Regardless of the economic arguments” the letter said, “Hitler’s economic policies cannot be divorced from his great policies of virulent anti-Semitism, racism and genocide.… Analyzing his actions through any other lens severely misses the point.”
The same could be said about all forms of central planning. It is wrong to attempt to examine the economic policies of any leviathan state apart from the political violence that characterizes all central planning, whether in Germany, the Soviet Union, or the United States. The controversy highlights the ways in which the connection between violence and central planning is still not understood, not even by the ADL. The tendency of economists to admire Hitler’s economic program is a case in point.
In the 1930s, Hitler was widely viewed as just another protectionist central planner who recognized the supposed failure of the free market and the need for nationally guided economic development. Proto-Keynesian socialist economist Joan Robinson wrote that “Hitler found a cure against unemployment before Keynes was finished explaining it.”
What were those economic policies? He suspended the gold standard, embarked on huge public-works programs like autobahns, protected industry from foreign competition, expanded credit, instituted jobs programs, bullied the private sector on prices and production decisions, vastly expanded the military, enforced capital controls, instituted family planning, penalized smoking, brought about national healthcare and unemployment insurance, imposed education standards, and eventually ran huge deficits. The Nazi interventionist program was essential to the regime’s rejection of the market economy and its embrace of socialism in one country.
Such programs remain widely praised today, even given their failures. They are features of every “capitalist” democracy. Keynes himself admired the Nazi economic program, writing in the foreword to the German edition to the General Theory: “[T]he theory of output as a whole, which is what the following book purports to provide, is much more easily adapted to the conditions of a totalitarian state, than is the theory of production and distribution of a given output produced under the conditions of free competition and a large measure of laissez-faire.”
Full article:
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
PSM Number 1, September 1997

The premiere issue of PSM magazine from September 1997. -
Computist, Issue No. 44, June 1987

The June 1987 issue of Computist magazine "For The Serious User Of Apple II Computers" -
Megacon 2010 - Star Trek Fans Alert!!! part 2
Q & A with two of Star Trek's most recognized characters Levar Burton and Brent Spiner moderated by Dino Leto.
part 2 -
Atari Turns 40, Celebrates with New Centipede
Happy Birthday Atari! I still think the joystick (or a gamepad) is superior to a touchscreen for most games though...
Study: More Than Half a Trillion Dollars Spent on Welfare But Poverty Levels Unaffected
“[S]ince President Obama took office [in January 2009], federal welfare spending has increased by 41 percent, more than $193 billion per year,” the study says.
Federal welfare spending in fiscal year 2011 totaled $668 billion, spread out over 126 programs, while the poverty rate that remains high at 15.1 percent, roughly where it was in 1965, when President Johnson declared a federal War on Poverty.
Ron Paul Supporter Attacked Trying To Retrieve Stolen Ballots From Oregon CD4 Convention
Just like the TSA, the GOP doesn't seem to know their own rules. -
Confrontation With TSA Agent Leaves Grandpa's Ashes On Floor
“I was told later on that she had no right to even open it, that they could have used other devices, like an X-ray machine. So she opened it up. She used her finger and was sifting through it. And then sheaccidentally spilled it.”
Gross says about a quarter to a third of the contents spilled on the floor, leaving him frantically trying to gather up as much as he could while anxious passengers waited behind him.
“She didn’t apologize. She started laughing. I was on my hands and knees picking up bone fragments.
TSA agents apparently don't even know their own rules. They just make me feel so safe...
Ron Paul Blimp, Tampa And The Grinch Who Stole Christmas
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Girls of Gaming volume 2

The second volume of Girls of Gaming by Play Magazine:
Commodore Computing International, January 1988
Megacon 2010 - Star Trek Fans Alert!!! part 1
Q & A with two of Star Trek's most recognized characters Levar Burton and Brent Spiner moderated by Dino Leto.
part 1 -
Huge Mars Rover's Landing Will Be '7 Minutes of Terror'
On the night of Aug. 5, the MSL spacecraft will hit the Martian atmosphere going about 13,000 mph (21,000 kph). As it barrels through the Red Planet air, MSL’s heat shield will literally glow, reaching temperatures of about 2,900 degrees Fahrenheit (1,600 degrees Celsius).
The relatively thin Martian atmosphere will slow MSL down to only 1,000 mph (1,600 kph) or so, Rivellini said. So the spacecraft will also deploy a parachute, one that can withstand 65,000 pounds (29,500 kilograms) of force despite weighing just 100 pounds (45 kg) itself.
But even the parachute won’t be enough.
“This big huge parachute that we’ve got, it’ll only slow us down to about 200 miles per hour,” Rivellini said. “And that’s not slow enough to land. So we have no choice, but we’ve got to cut it off and then come down on rockets.”
The rockets can’t fire all the way to the ground, however, or they’d raise a huge dust cloud that could damage the rover’s instruments and mechanisms, researchers said. To avoid such a ruckus, Curiosity will be lowered to the Martian surface on 21-foot-long (6.4 meters) cables. When the rover is safely down, the cables will be released and the rocket-propelled sky crane will fly off so it doesn’t crash into Curiosity.
The 14-minute communications lag between Earth and Mars means that the MSL team won’t be getting real-time updates about the rover’s perilous journey.
“When we first get word that we’ve touched the top of the atmosphere, the vehicle has been alive, or dead, on the surface for at least seven minutes,” Steltzner said.
If this works, I will be VERY impressed...
Ron Paul: Government is Already Too Involved in Healthcare
Attorney: 'Guerilla-Like Police Tactics' Used in First American Drone Arrest
It won't be too long until drones are giving you speeding tickets...
Monday, June 25, 2012
Megacon 2010 - Acting panel: "Acting From The Heart" With actor Richard Hatch part 4
Richard lectures on the magic and art of acting for film and the stage. Includes some improv and performing along with sharing his journey as an actor in what he calls the acid test of your soul!!
part 4 -
Mass. Republicans oust Ron Paul delegates
Evan Kenney had just turned 18 and registered to vote for the first time when he campaigned to be an alternate delegate to the Republican National Convention. Lauding Ronald Reagan’s principles and blasting Keynesian economics at the Lynnfield caucus in April, the Wakefield High School senior beat out several well-known Massachusetts Republicans, including the party’s most recent nominee for governor, Charles D. Baker Jr.
But earlier this month, Kenney was one of 17 delegates and alternates disqualified by a Republican committee deciding who gets to represent Massachusetts Republicans at the national convention in Tampa.
Miami-Dade Police Drone Spotted Over Memorial Day Weekend Partiers
I wonder what they'll say the first time one of these crashes into someone's house?
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Advertisement - Gex 3 for the Sony PlayStation

Advertisement for Gex 3 for the Sony PlayStation from the April 1999 issue of GamePro -
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Advertisement - Mighty Max by Ocean for the Amiga 1200

Advertisement for Mighty Max by Ocean for the Amiga 1200 from issue 72 of The One magazine. -
Super NES Buyer's Guide - Number 1 - Winter 1991
Friday, June 22, 2012
Compute!'s Gazette - Issue 4 Vo. 1, No. 4 - October 1983

October 1983 issue of Compute!'s Gazette for the Commodore 64 and VIC-20 -
ArduSat Kickstarter project puts an Arduino-based satellite up for rent
Anybody want to rent your own satellite?
Megacon 2010 - Acting panel: "Acting From The Heart" With actor Richard Hatch part 3
Richard lectures on the magic and art of acting for film and the stage. Includes some improv and performing along with sharing his journey as an actor in what he calls the acid test of your soul!!
part 3 -
Voyager approaches edge of solar system
These things are amazing. -
Mitt Romney: The Reason Ron Paul Supporters Still Dream
Ron Paul Supporters Sue RNC for Helping Romney
While Mitt Romney may be the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, it’s premature to say that the rancor over the nomination is over.
...The suit is seeking clarification from a federal court in California over whether delegates at the national convention can vote for any candidate of their choice, even if those delegates were won by Mr. Romney. The suit also alleges that the RNC violates federal law by requiring them to sign pledges to back a certain Candidate, restricting delegates’ voting options and illegally limiting their vote
Morning Joe Wrong on Ron Paul and Social Security
What would you rather do? Opt out now and keep all that money you pay in social security taxes or keep paying in with the hopes you won't be screwed later? -
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Electronic Games Number 1, October 1992

This magazine was the true successor (in my opinion) to VideoGames & Computer Entertainment, though they overlapped some and this one didn't last very long. -
ANALOG Computing No. 13, September/October 1983

The September/October 1983 issue of ANALOG Computing, The Magazine For Atari Computer Owners. -
Total Games Guide to Game Boy Color Issue 1

The first issue of Total Games Guide to Game Boy Color, a UK based magazine specific to the Game Boy Color:
K-Power Issue 1, February 1984

February 1984 issue of K-Power. This computer magazine covered systems such as the Coleco Adam, Apple II, Atari 400/800, Commodore 64, VIC-20, IBM PC Jr, TI 99/4a, and the TRS-80. -
Megacon 2010 - Acting panel: "Acting From The Heart" With actor Richard Hatch part 2
Richard lectures on the magic and art of acting for film and the stage. Includes some improv and performing along with sharing his journey as an actor in what he calls the acid test of your soul!! -
Rand Paul Rips Romney for Saying He Could Fight Iran Without Congress
This is a misreading of the role of the president and Congress in declaring war. The Constitution clearly states that it is Congress that has the power to declare war, not the president. The War Powers Act also clearly states that U.S. forces are to engage in hostilities only if the circumstances are “pursuant to (1) a declaration of war, (2) specific statutory authorization or (3) a national emergency created by attack upon the United States, its territories or possessions, or its armed forces.
Absent these criteria, the president has no authority to declare war. Even if the president believes he has such authority, the War Powers Act goes on to require the president to seek congressional approval within 60 days of conflict. No president is above the law or above the Constitution.
...says Rand Paul and I agree. -
4 Positions Obama Supporters Attribute to the President That He Doesn’t Actually Hold
Ron Paul to hold his own event before Republican National Convention
Can the president rewrite federal law?
I believe the Constitution is the supreme law of the land. Otherwise we are not a nation of laws at all. But what DO we do about? -
Ron Paul's Route To Convention Chaos: The Vice Presidential Nomination
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
64 Magazine Number 1, 1997
Personal Computer News Issue Number 87

November 17, 1984 issue of Personal Computer News, A UK based personal computer magazine -
Solar panel shakes loose on Intelsat broadcast satellite
A stuck solar array on the Intelsat 19 broadcasting satellite dislodged itself last week, but engineers will not know how much of the craft's mission can be accomplished until its communications payload is activated.
The satellite's south solar array stayed folded against the spacecraft following its deployment from a Sea Launch Zenit 3SL rocket June 1.
Intelsat announced last week the solar panel unfurled June 12, soon after Intelsat 19 reached geostationary orbit about 22,300 miles over the equator.
'Weird' Alien Planets Found by Small Telescope
PSM Issue Number 2, October 1997

The October 1997 issue of PSM, the 100% independent PlayStation Magazine -
Advertisement - Conquest - 3D Bat Attack

Advertisement from issue 64 of Personal Computer News, a UK based personal computer magazine of the 80s. This is an ad for Conquest and 3D Bat Attack by CheetahSoft for the Sinclair Spectrum 48k. -
Megacon 2010 - Acting panel: "Acting From The Heart" With actor Richard Hatch part 1
Richard lectures on the magic and art of acting for film and the stage. Includes some improv and performing along with sharing his journey as an actor in what he calls the acid test of your soul!!
part 1 -
Orbiter Out of Precautionary 'Safe Mode'
USDA loans $25M for diet cola sweetener
Really? Nearly $80 million in subsidies for an artificial sweetener? Something that on the whole is probably worse for you than sugar? I guess I shouldn't expect anything else from the kind of minds that bring you things like bans on large sodas... -
Mitt Romney Says He Could Wage War on Iran Without Congress' Approval
And people think there is a difference between Obama and Romney? -
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Ad: Cyclone and Tornado Low Level by Vortex Software for Sinclair Spectrum

Advertisement for Cyclone and Tornado Low Level by Vortex Software for the Sinclair Spectrum 48k from the first issue of Computer Gamer (April 1985) -
Edge magazine, April 1999

April 1999 issue of Edge magazine, covering the "next generation" video game systems of the time, including the Sega Dreamcast, Nintendo 64, PC, Arcade, Sony PlayStation, etc. -
MicroComputer Printout, November 1982

The November 1982 issue of MicroComputer Printout: A Plain Man's Guide to Personal Computing:
Megacon 2010 - Q & A with Nichelle Nichols part 5
Meet the original cast member from the TV series Star Trek as she discusses and answers questions about her vast career.
part 5 -
Gardens of the Moon by Steven Erikson
I just finished reading Gardens of the Moon by Steven Erikson. It was a good book and I definitely plan to continue the series but it doen't quite live up to my current triumvirate of fantasy series by Tolkien, Martin and Jordan.
Unconstitutional Uses of Drones Must Stop
Monday, June 18, 2012
Mega Play Number 1, November 1990

November 1990 issue of Mega Play, a magazine for Sega game systems -
Megacon 2010 - Q & A with Nichelle Nichols part 4
Meet the original cast member from the TV series Star Trek as she discusses and answers questions about her vast career.
Part 4 -
Air Force's mini space shuttle returns after 468-day flight
Foreign holdings of US debt hit record high
Standard and Poor’s lowered its rating on long-term Treasury debt one notch from AAA to AA+ following a prolonged debate in Congress over increasing the nation’s borrowing limit
Last week, S&P reaffirmed that rating and said it was keeping a negative outlook on the rating for the future. S&P said U.S. political leaders were not addressing the federal debt burden.
Romney Not Winning Over Ron Paul Supporters, GOP Influentials Say
Several people responding to the survey suggested that Romney needs to work harder to win over Paul supporters.
“Pick a Ron Paul favorite as VP, and promise an administration spot to Ron Paul or his choice,” said one
“Pick Ron Paul as VP,” said another.
Even after Romney’s overwhelming win in the New Hampshire Primary, many Tea Party members here said they wouldn’t vote for him.
via megalextoria.comFriday, June 15, 2012
Snow Crash movie to be written and directed by Joe Cornish
Megacon 2010 - Q & A with Nichelle Nichols part 3
Megacon 2010 - Q & A with Nichelle Nichols part 3: Meet the original cast member from the TV series Star Trek as she discusses and answers questions about her vast career. -
Central Bank Money-Printing: $6 Trillion...and Counting
"Global investors appear convinced more
Air Force Developing Tiny Flying Insect Drones
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Nintendo Fun Club News - February/March 1988

The February/March 1988 issue of Nintendo Fun Club News. This magazine/newsletter was the predecessor to Nintendo Power. -
Amiga Force Number 8, August 1993

August 1993 issue of Amiga Force, a UK based Amiga games magazine.
PS Extreme - Volume 1, Issue 4 - Feb March 1996

The February/March 1996 issue of PS Extreme, a magazine for the original PlayStation. -
Megacon 2010 - Q & A with Nichelle Nichols part 2
Meet the original cast member from the TV series Star Trek as she discusses and answers questions about her vast career. -
Military drone mistaken for ‘UFO’ along DC highways
Clearly a military craft made using UFO technology...
Should Citizens Be Able to Shoot Police If They Trespass?
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Swap by Palace Software for the Atari ST, Amiga and PC

Ad from 'The One' magazine for a game called Swap by Palace Software for the Amiga, Atari ST and PC.
Megacon 2010 - Q & A with Nichelle Nichols part 1
Meet the original cast member from the TV series Star Trek as she discusses and answers questions about her vast career. -
Spain’s Record Yields Show Italy Bailout Risk
Doug Wead: Ron Paul scores surprise delegates in New Mexico!
While there is no doubt that Ron Paul is still a long shot, the more delegates he has, the more potential influence on the GOP platform and that can only be a good thing.
Gary Johnson? Why Not if Ron Paul isn’t the Nominee?
Not my first choice but certainly better than the 'D' and the likely 'R' candidates.
Megacon 2010 - Everything Star Wars part 7
Join Ray Park, Jeremy Bulloch, Maria de Aragon, Dave Barclay, and Peter Mayhew for a Q & A. Moderated by Lucas Film's Steve Sansweet
part 7 -
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Rick Santorum predicts a convention fight with Ron Paul delegates over party platform » Megalextoria: News and Politics
North Dakota Considers Eliminating Property Tax
RPI Hires New Executive and Organizational Directors, Both From Paul Campaign
US Prints $125 Billion Today, Is Congress Actively Rooting For Government Meltdown? - The Jerry Doyle Show
Is the US Government fueling our fear of terrorism to make a profit? I hope not, but studies suggest they could looking for a way to make money keeping us safe from falling furniture.
The US made an extra $125 Billion today. Not “made it” as in they earned it, but “earned it” as in printed it. That should fix absolutely nothing.
Rand Paul | Romney | The revolution can be evolutionary: An open letter to fans of Ron Paul
Monday, June 11, 2012
Personal Computer Games, February 1984

February 1984 issue of Personal Computer Games, a UK based computer games magazine.
Megacon 2010 - Everything Star Wars part 6
Join Ray Park, Jeremy Bulloch, Maria de Aragon, Dave Barclay, and Peter Mayhew for a Q & A. Moderated by Lucas Film's Steve Sansweet
part 6 -
Private Citizens Perform $4 Million Road Repair Job For Free in 8 Days
So Slack, other business owners and residents made the decision not to sit on their hands and wait for state money that many expected would never come. Instead, they pulled together machinery and manpower and hit the ground running March 23.
And after only eight days, all of the repairs were done, Pleas said. It was a shockingly quick fix to a problem that may have taken much longer if they waited for state money to funnel in.
Rand Paul Endorsement of Mitt Romney Was a Tactical Masterstroke for Libertarianism
"Rand Paul will become a sellout if –and only if — he changes his senate voting habits away from libertarian values."
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Megacon 2010 - Everything Star Wars part 5
Join Ray Park, Jeremy Bulloch, Maria de Aragon, Dave Barclay, and Peter Mayhew for a Q & A. Moderated by Lucas Film's Steve Sansweet part 5
Fed Critic Boasts the Gold Standard of Political Cookbooks
Romney Woos Senator Paul
I wonder what exactly they talked about?
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Megacon 2010 - Everything Star Wars part 4 - YouTube
Join Ray Park, Jeremy Bulloch, Maria de Aragon, Dave Barclay, and Peter Mayhew for a Q & A. Moderated by Lucas Film's Steve Sansweet
part 4
Ron Paul Delegates Set to Mount First Ballot Upset at GOP National Convention
Justin Amash, House Republican, Skewered GOP On Facebook
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Megacon 2010 - Everything Star Wars part 3
Join Ray Park, Jeremy Bulloch, Maria de Aragon, Dave Barclay, and Peter Mayhew for a Q & A. Moderated by Lucas Film's Steve Sansweet
part 3
Mars One: One-way ticket to the red planet
One-way ticket to Mars anyone?
Monday, June 4, 2012
Debt Up $1.59T Under GOP House—More in 15 Months Than First 97 Congresses Combined
More evidence that there is really very little difference between the two major parties. Where is the party of fiscal conservatism?
Winning at Video and Computer Games, Summer 1984
Megacon 2010 - Everything Star Wars part 2
Join Ray Park, Jeremy Bulloch, Maria de Aragon, Dave Barclay, and Peter Mayhew for a Q & A. Moderated by Lucas Film's Steve Sansweet
Ron Paul Secures Louisiana Delegates – 06/03/2012 KLFY 10
Drones could soon be flying in Florida skies
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Megacon 2010 - Everything Star Wars part 1
Join Ray Park, Jeremy Bulloch, Maria de Aragon, Dave Barclay, and Peter Mayhew for a Q & A. Moderated by Lucas Film's Steve Sansweet
Part 1
Spain is in 'total emergency’, the EU in total denial
There is no talk of firewalls, or of simply letting Spain go, or of the European banking system being re-capitalised to compensate for the losses that it would suffer. Nope. This is it. The cancer has now spread to the vital organs of the EU. Spain is not a peripheral Mediterranean country. It is not an insignificant player in the political project. It is not a marginal going-along-for-the-ride-and-the-free-money passenger on the euro train. Not only is its economy so large as to be indispensable, but its ties with Italy mean that the Italian economy (which is the third largest in the EU) would be fatally compromised by its fall. “Itexit” is almost unpronounceable, so perhaps it’s fortunate that it will never be required: after Spexit, there would be nothing left to exit from.
LAKE JACKSON, Texas – The Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign released the following statement concerning the outcome of the Louisiana State Republican Convention. Below please find comments from National Campaign Manager John Tate:
“The Ron Paul campaign condemns the unfortunate activities that took place at the Louisiana Republican State Convention in Shreveport.
“However, we also wish to highlight and applaud the fact that the convention ended on a high note reflective of the cooperation all Republicans wish to see toward the mutual aim of defeating President Obama in the November general election.
“The unnecessary conflict, and positive conclusion as we understand it, transpired as follows.
“LAGOP officials ignored the vast majority of duly elected delegates and attempted to use illegally adopted rules to deny Ron Paul supporters an opportunity to attend the Republican National Convention in Tampa. Louisiana has 46 delegates. Five were pledged to Mitt Romney based on the March 23rd primary result and Rick Santorum received 10, meaning most delegates were contestable at the state convention. “Delegates to the state convention were chosen at caucus meetings on April 28th. Ron Paul slates won four of six congressional district contests. Of the approximately 180 delegates attending the state convention, 113 voted to remove the LAGOP chairman when he failed to respond to requests for information and other motions from delegates. Nearly two-thirds of the delegates began physically moving their chairs, literally turning their back on the GOP chair appointed by the party hierarchy.
“In another instance, State Central Committeeman and Ron Paul supporter Henry Herford Jr. of Franklin Parrish was attacked by some security officials who didn’t realize that the body had voted out the previous chairman. Mr. Herford has a prosthetic hip and according to a doctor at the scene it appears as though the prosthetic was dislocated and may require replacement. The injury occurred as he was beginning to call to order the newly re-formed convention.
<p>“In yet another instance, Ron Paul supporter Alex Helwig, Chairman of the Rules Committee who made the motion to remove the chair, was arrested by Shreveport police and released. During his brief detainment, some of his fingers were broken and when he returned to the event he was walking with aid of a cane.“By 10:50 a.m. today, the newly formed convention completed its work. Newly-elected national delegates met with the Romney campaign’s Louisiana Chairman, Scott Sewell, who graciously said ‘that he supported the effort and would do everything he could to make sure the delegation was seated’ in Tampa.
“Despite the divisiveness that characterized the Louisiana state convention initially, we are thankful that the Paul and Romney campaigns took the high road to guarantee the enfranchisement of Republicans whose candidate preferences differ.
“Republicans of goodwill agree that following the spirited primary season, the general election presents us with an opportunity to defeat Obama and place the nation on a path to recovery.
“Our thoughts and prayers are with those who were injured at the convention. And, we thank all responsible convention participants for ending the day on a more unified note.”
Friday, June 1, 2012
Launch of Space Shuttle Endeavour (2010-02-08)
The last scheduled night launch (if you consider 4:15 am "night" anyway) of a shuttle as seen from my back yard...
PlayStation Magazine (PSM) issue 3, November 1997
Soulless (C64)
Soulless is a new release by Psytronik Software for the Commodore 64 available on disk, tape and as a digital download.

A powerful warrior King, tired of constant battle and the smell of blood declares peace on the land he rules ... But his generals crave war and plan to overthrow the King. Enlisting the help of an evil wizard the King is cursed using unholy magic. His human body is twisted and deformed into a beastly form, his human soul is stolen! Locked away in a tomb the cursed King is all but forgotten while an unending war rages on for a thousand years ... Until one day a great quake shakes the land and smashes the wall of the Tomb holding the beast. Now he is FREE and is determined to reclaim his human soul and once again bring peace to the land.

From Georg 'Endurion' Rottensteiner, the maker of the smash hit C64 release Joe Gunn comes SOULLESS - a new arcade-adventure game for the Commodore 64 featuring stunningly detailed graphics by Trevor 'Smila' Storey! Soulless takes you on an epic quest around a huge exquisitely detailed map packed with objects to search and monsters to avoid as you desperately try to find your human soul.

Programmed by Georg 'Endurion' Rottensteiner
Graphics by Trevor 'Smila' Storey
Music by Mikkel 'Encore' Hastrup
Packaging by Trevor 'Smila' Storey
Published in 2012 by Psytronik Software

Massive map to explore
Stunningly detailed graphics & animation
Atmospheric soundtracks
Separate intro / end sequences
Premium package contains Soulless comic story, bonus CD + A3 map / poster!

Soulless will be released on June 1st 2012 on C64 tape, C64 budget disk (featuring glossy disk sleeve and disk label), as a PREMIUM C64 disk release (packaged in a 5.25" disk case with full colour glossy inlay artwork, glossy disk sleeve and deluxe Soulless comic booklet drawn by Trevor 'Smila' Storey) and also as a digital download which you can play in a C64 emulator.
For more info and to order:
The Commodore releases still coming 30 years later! :)