Commodore had it's own publications for most of the life of the life of the company (the computer years anyway). Early on, they had two bi-monthly publications. Commodore Microcomputers was the more serious/business oriented one. The October 1985 issue includes:
- Letters
- News
- Software Reviews
- Injured Engine
- Forcast!
- Dream House
- Fast Loaders
- SwiftCalc
- Loadstar
- S.A.T. Preparation Program
- Vizastar
- Build a Book About You
- BASIC-64
- Word Pro 64
- Trio
- Behind the Programs
- The Man Behind the Muppets with a review of Welcome Aboard
- Computer Wizard
- Commodore 128 Sound
- Programmer's Tips
- Simple Window
- Modem/300 File Translator
- Getting SuperMon to Print
- Book Reviews
- Commodore 64 Family Helper
- Getting the Most Out of CompuServe
- Can I Play with the Computer, Too?
- Commodore 64 Users Only
- Fabulous Figure Maker
- SID Plays Bach
- Technical Tips
- Random Thoughts
- The Computer Scientist
- Buyer's Guide to Voice Synthesis - Your Commodore 64 can talk - and listen - using relatively inexpensive speech devices.
- Update Amiga - A first look at Commodore's revolutionary new 68000-based computer, with graphics and sound like you've never seen or heard from a micro before, windowing, icons - and speed.
- Become Radio-Active With Your Commodore 64 - The Commodore 64 has helped advance the art of amateur radio.
- The Electronic Cottage Controversy - Should computer work at home be banned? The AFL-CIO thinks so. Here, an electronic journalist offers his opinion on the controversy.
- Ergonomic Accessories For Comfortabe Computing - Paying attention to the ergonomics (the relationship between man and his environment) of your equipment set-up will make your computer more enjoyable.
- User Groups
- How To Enter Programs In Commodore Microcomputers
- Advertisers' Indes
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