Input – Issue Number 2
Input was a short-lived magazine published in the U.K. in 1984-1985 but it was published weekly so there are a lot of them. It covered the subject of home computer programming. Computers covered included the Sinclair ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64, BBC Micro, Acorn Electron, Dragon 32, Sinclair ZX81, Commodore VIC-20 and Tandy TRS-80 Color Computer. Issue number 2 includes:
- BASIC Programming 3
- The Computer As Decision-Maker - How IF...THEN is used. Three-way and multiple choices
- Machine Code 2
- 10-Minute Games Graphics - Binary/decimal and binary/hex conversions. Planning graphics.
- Applications
- Streamline Your Hobbies Files: 1 - A datafile program to index - or cross-index - your hobbies.
- Games Programming 2
- Right...Up...Left...Fire! - Use GET$ and INKEY$ to get your games programs moving.
- BASIC Programming 4
- The Programmer's Road Signs - How to jump lines using GOTO, ON...GOTO and GOSUB.
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