Personal Computing Today (February 1983)
Personal Computing Today was a computer magazine published in the U.K. in the early and mid 1980s. North American readers would find some familiar machines like the TRS-80 and VIC-20 but some of the computers covered were U.K. based like the BBC Micro. The February 1983 issue includes:
- Spectrum Software: Spectrum Zap - Do battle once more with the malevolent mutants from Mars in this all killing, all blasting game for the Spectrum.
- News - Brush up on the latest comings and goings in the computer scene.
- Letters - Comments or criticisms? Then this is your page.
- TRS-80 Software: Spelling Test - Let your Tandy test your spelling. With this program you can set up your own custom spelling tests.
- BBC Software: Squash - Learn how to program moving ball graphics and end up playing the computer a game of Squash.
- Next Month - Find out what we'll be up to in March.
- Atari Technique: Quick on the Draw - Find out more about the internal workings of your Atari's graphics.
- Review - Catch up with our review team in their latest escapades from the world of computer software.
- ZX81 Microspot: Instring Routine - Find out how to simulate this useful command on your own micro.
- Program Submissions - Want your name in print? Here's what you have to do.
- BBC Review: BBC Disc System - Thinking about treating your Beeb to some discs? Consult our review first and avoid the pitfalls.
- Letters: Micro Answers - If your Spectrum won't speak to you, or your RAM pack has rebelled, then drop us a line and we will set the experts on them.
- Sord: Review: The Sord's Edge - As the Japanese prepare to do battle for the control of the home computer market, Personal Computing Today agents sneaked a look at one of their secret weapons.
- UK 101 Software: UK Blitz - Bring your plane in for a safe landing by flattening the city below you.
- Survey - Personal Computing Today is your magazine, so complete our survey and help us give you what you want.
- Programming: Gamesboard - This month's Gamesboard will tell you all you need to know about setting up your own personal adventure.
- VIC 20 Software: One Touch Entry - Add a single key entry system to your VIC 20 with this invaluable program.
- BBC Hardware: Using Cassette Recorders - All you need to know about choosing, connecting and caring for your cassette recorder.
- Reference: Factfile - Mystified by the massive choice of micros? The Factfile will help you gain your perspective.
- Reference: Software Checklist - If you want a Toolkit for your Tandy or a Breakout for your BBC then turn to the Checklist to solve your problem.
- Reference: Micro Terms - If you're flummoxed by files of baffled by bytes then Micro Terms will straighten you out.
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