ST Format (August 1990)
- News - All you need to know about the month's ST activity
- News from abroad - Releases and information from across Europe
- Game Previews - A first look at Mag Scrolls' Wonderland and more
- Inside Story: magic fly - FORMAT Graphics Editor recalls two years' work on the Electronic Arts extravaganza
- Cover Disk Plus - Carefully crafted, lovingly compiled - a real stonker!
- Games: screenplay - Damocles, Wipe Out, Flood, AMC, F-29, Midnight Resistance, Khalaan, Thunderstrike, Treasure Trap, Atomix, Rorke's Drift, Skidz, Prophecy
- Gamebusters special - Coo! Not four, not five, not even seven but nine (count 'em) pages of top cheats for more than 100 ST games!
- Adventure gamebusters - The A-to-Z of adventure cheats, hints and solutions
- Special: The bullfrogs are back! - The team that brought the world Populous are back with a splash. Remember, you read it here first.
- Desktop - How, you ask, can we cram so much info into four and a half pages? Don't know, we
- Exclusive: Proxima - Now you can afford to get into DTP - with a package that costs just a third of the price of Calamus!
- Subscriptions
- Educations - FORMAT goes European with a range of foreign language tutorial programs. Roll on 1992!
- Music tips - Welcome to a new section of help and problem-solving for all aspects of making
- Music buyers guide - It's all very well of us telling you what your ST can do with MIDI. But what if you can't afford brand new kit?
- Series: program in C - Master this powerful programming language
- Feedback - Complaints, compliments and curious observations
- Special Offers - Treat your ST - offers you can't refuse!
- The back page - Devastatingly inaccurate guesses at what might
- Battlemaster - Fully playable demo of the latest PSS extravaganza
- GFA Draft - realize your ST's CAD potential with this high-quality exclusive demo - power extreme!
- FreeRAM - memory checker
- Puzzle - complete word game
- HRAMDisk - reset-proof RAMdisk
- GEMPlus - brilliant Desktop editor
- Command Line Interpreter - put your mouse of work with this feature-packed GEM alternative
- Mouse Ka Mania - wacky mouse customizer
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