Super Play (April 1993)
Super Play is a magazine that was published in the U.K. and dedicated to the Super Nintendo. The April 1993 issue includes: Super Express
- Preview Special - Join us for a closer look at the hottest new games about to be launched in both America and Japan!
- Books - Jonathan Davies comes over all literary.
- Live From Hell City - Peter Evans explains the sort of music the Japanese like to listen to!
- Anime World - Live action vs anime - why the Japanese prefer to do it on paper.
- Super Play's Hot List - The games we play the most - and which we think you really ought to go out and buy!
- The Golden Bee Awards - The results are in! Find out whether the games you voted for came out tops!
- Datebook - Exclusive to Super Play! Every single game coming out worldwide on the SNES over the next couple of months!
- Chart Throb - The biggest selling games around the world this month.
- Super Play Interview - We have a chat about Street Fighter II, Final Fight II and life in general with Joe Morici of Capcom USA!
- Street Fighter II - The ultimate guide! How to access those combos and more!
- Soul Blazer - A start-to-finish guide to Actraiser's fabulous sequel.
- Super Star Wars - How to win without relying on The Force!
- Star Fox: The First Super F/X Game - The word 'revolutionary' shouldn't be used lightly, but it's hard to see how else Starfox could be described. There's no two ways about it - the arrival of the Super F/X chip is the most important event since the launch of the SNES itself, and one look at Starfox's amazing 3D graphics will show you exactly why...
- Manga Scope - Where do they get their ideas from? Walk into any Japanese newsagent and you'll soon see! There are Street Fighter II comics, Ranma 1/2 comics, Dragonball comics, Gundam comics... We reveal the games that are based on comics - and the comics that are based on games.
- Aliens Vs Predator - Great screen monsters clash on the Super NES!
- Flying Hero - A cute, bright and surprisingly lovable new Japanese blaster.
- Ranma 1/2 Part Two - Cute beat-'em-up action - but does it top the original?
- Harley's Humongous Adventure - Incredible shrinking man...
- Super Batter Up - Like baseball? Then this ain't one to queue for.
- Imperium - It's go giant robots, yes, but it ain't no Cybernator.
- Wordtris - Cross Tetris with Scrabble and you'd get this idea.
- Chester Cheetah - The US equivalent of Colin Curly arrives on SNES.
- Pro Baseball League - Like baseball? This is the best SNES version yet.
- X-Zone - Best Super Scope game yet (for what it's worth).
- Mario Paint - Draw your own SNES graphics!
- Gods - Bitmap Bros classic arrives improved.
- Super SWIV - A Brit blaster to beat 'em all?
- King Arthur's World - Lemmings 2?
- Test Drive 2 - A PC classic, but does it work on SNES?
- Lethal Weapon - It's all three films rolled into one!
- World Class Rugby - Kick Off revisited.
- Mode 7 - Packed to the brim with playing tips, and incorporating Ask Ade, our regular games advice column.
- Superstore - Whatever accessories you're after for your Super Nintendo, from T-shirts to binders, you need look no further than this!
- Gamefreak - You've been asking us so many complicated technical questions that we've had to specially extend Gamefreak this month to cope!
- Play Back - Pages and pages of your letters! Plus the very first examples of your envelope art - and they're great!
- Supermarket - Bargains galore in what are surely the world's finest reader ads!
- What Cart? - Every single Super Nintendo game in the world rated! (And there are loads of them...)
- Subscriptions - Absolutely your last chance to take advantage of ordering a subscription at the old low price. You could save yourself a small fortune!
- Next Month - Our increasingly dubious predictions as to what'll be in the next month's Super Play.
- Cartography - All those tricky technical terms that've been troubling you explained.
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