Micro: The 6502 Journal (October 1977)
- Cheap Memory for the KIM-1 - by Byron Salzsieder - has an expanded KIM-1, KIMSI, and is currently waiting for delivery of a Micromind.
- Terminal Interface Monitor (TIM) for the 6500 Family - by Oliver Hold - "The Computer Doctor" for Microcomputers, Inc., microcomputer teacher and consultant, micro-systems designer.
- We're Number One! - An Editorial
- Inside the Apple II - by Arthur Feruzzi - a confirmed "computer nut" who owns a number of 6502 microcomputers - assembled, kit and homebrew.
- Rockwell International and the 6502 - by Arthur Ferruzzi - currently designing some special purpose micro-systems, 6502 based, of course.
- The PET's IEEE-488 Bus: Blessing or Curse? - by Charles Floto - Editor of Buss and Yankee Bits and freelance writer and photography whose work has appeared in Byte, Personal Computing, and Kilobaud.
- 6502 Related Companies - by Mike Rowe - prefers hexadecimal notation since he has eight fingers on each hand.
- Hypertape and Ultratape - by Robert M. Tripp - Editor of MICRO, author of PLEASE and other software and hardware for the KIM-1.
- KIM-Based Degree Day Dispatcher - by Mike Rowe - Computer consultant for the Starship Enterprise.
- Computer Controlled Relays - by Robert M. Tripp - Microprocessor consultant and lecturer.
- 6502 Bibliography - by William Dial - Retired Research Chemist with a KIM-1 and several 6502-based OSI boards.
- 6502 Reference Car
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