Commodore: The MicroComputer Magazine – Issue Number 27 (1983)
Commodore: The MicroComputer Magazine was one of Commodore's early official publications. In 1983 when this issue was published, Commodore was still yet to reach its peak. The VIC-20 had been around a couple of years and was around the 1 million in sales mark and would be the first home computer to reach that number. The Commodore 64 was brand new and would become the best selling home computer of all time. Older machines like the PET were still around too. This issue includes: Features
- In the Chips - Where microchips came from and how they are made.
- Millions and the Microchip - How many times is a million times a second? Jim takes a look at the scales of time and size as they relate to your computer.
- The Logic of Bits and Pieces - Part 2 in Jeff's series explains two-state logic and how it works in your computer.
- 6502 Op-Codes - For the more technical among you, we've provided a list of all the 6502 op-codes with a description of what they do and how they affect the status register.
- Editor's Notes
- Letters - Our readers offer opinions and advice
- Commodore News - Happy 25th Birthday Commodore!
- Business - Spread Sheet Programs: Expensive Gimmicks or Management Tools?
- Education
- Lincoln College Commodore Computer Club
- The Commuting Commodore
- Educational Programming: A Method
- Program Review - Easy Spell 64
- The Arts - Creating and Photographing Computer Screens
- Programmer's Tips
- On the Merits of Touching Up the X-Rays
- Random Thoughts, Part 3
- Using Picture Format
- Prints Charming
- Computer Languages - COMAL Graphics
- Product Review - Promqueen 64
- Technical - A Theory of Operation for the VIC/64 Boards
- Telecommunications
- The New Commodore Information Network
- The Model 1650 AUTOMODEM
- User Departments
- Commodore 64 - Commodore 64 Sprite Mover
- PET/CBM - Go Directly to XY!
- Commodore User Groups
- User Group Listings - User groups across the nation and around the world.
- User Bulletin Board - Messages from user groups to user groups.
- That Does Not Compute... - When we make a mistake, this is where we fix it.
- New Products - What's new from independent manufacturers.
- Advertisers Index
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