EGM 2 (August 1994)
For a few years anyway, one issue enough just wasn't enough for Electronic Gaming Monthly. So they came up with EGM 2 (EGM^2...whatever). Each one was in the neighborhood of 200 pages most months and sometimes larger. The August 1994 issue of EGM 2 includes:
- Knuckle Down with the Latest Installment in the Sonic Series! - We've got the scoop on Sega's latest step in technology, the add-on cart Sonic & Knuckles. You can now play as that ornery critter from Sonic 3. There are more techniques for players to master, like Knuckles' gliding and wall-scaling maneuvers. Of course, Dr. Robotnik is here once again to make sure both of these boys have a rough time. You'll have a ball visiting all-new levels and learning the secrets of the game. Sonic fans all across the glob won't want to miss it.
- Put On Your Driving Gloves and Goggles for Daytona USA - Start your engines racing fans! Daytona USA is crashing into the arcade! In this issue of EGM 2, we've devoted four super-intense pages to the quarter-muncher. Hold on tight as wee speed through every turn, hazard and straightaway in this Virtua Racing-style game.
- Take a Peek at the Games for the 3DO and 32X! - Fresh from this year's Summer CES, readers will get a chance to preview the long list of games for the 32-Bit 3DO and 32X systems. Behold such 3DO games as Star Control, Off World, GEX, Samurai Showdown, Alone in the Dark, Sesame Street, and Road Rash. Star Control, Shadow of Atlantis, Star WArs, and Off Road will soon be released for the 32X.
- Departments
- Insert Coin
- Interface: Letters ro the editor
- Fandom Central
- Press Start
- Gaming Gossip
- Tricks of the Trade
- Next Wave
- International Outlook
- Arcade Action
- Contests
- Arcade Strategy
- Ad Index
- Last Minute Update
- Fact Files
- International Fact Files - The Land of the Rising Sun comes through again with the coolest games around, including Ghost Chaser Densei, Ninja Boy, Zig Zag Cat, and Ragnacenty. It's all here in this issue of EGM 2!
- Super NES Times - Feeling the summertime blues? Well, Super NES has the cure with such radical carts as Power Rangers, Popeye, Demon's Crest, Batman, Michael Jordan, Crazy Chase, Super Punch Out, and Mega Man X 2.
- Outpost Sega - Although it's the dog days of summer, Sega is going strong with their latest releases. Jump into the action with such new carts as Star Blade, Battlecorps, Zero Tolerance, and Aero 2.
- CD-i Action - Dirk returns to save the princess.
- Super Gear - Take the kings of MTV with you this summer!
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