All of these photos were taken in the 1950s, most likely circa 1959.
The first photo features the Thunderbird hotel in the Miami area with Ocean Shore in the foreground.
All of these photos were taken in the 1950s, most likely circa 1959.
The first photo features the Thunderbird hotel in the Miami area with Ocean Shore in the foreground.
Vintage photos forom circa 1959, some of which feature this Lockheed L-1049C Super constellation.
Vintage Photos - Lot 3 (457-460)All of the photos in this set were taken sometime in the 1950s in Mexico. It's also pretty clear that they were all taken at the same place where bull fighting was occurring.
For more photos from this set, see:
Vintage Photos - Lot 3 (445-448)PC World was without a doubt one of the most popular PC magazines of the 1990s. There were still magazines for other types of computers around but they were fading away by the early 1990s. PC World and PC Magazine came to dominate when it came to computer magazines. The March 1990 issue of PC World includes:
PC World (March 1990)This photo features a water show at Cypress Gardens. Cypress Gardens became a Legoland a number of years ago where this remained a regular show until a few months ago.
For more photos from this set, see:
Vintage Photos - Lot 3 (441-444)This post includes the contents of DM0126.DOC. This file is dated September 2nd, 1985. This seems to be a file capture of a mail reading session.
Digital Archaeology: Floppy Disk #14 – DM0126.DOCThis photo features The Templo Expiatorio a Cristo Rey (the old Basílica de Guadalupe) which is in Mexico City.
For more photos from this set, see:
Vintage Photos - Lot 3 (437-440)If you were buying a computer magazine in the early 1980s, there's a good chance it was Byte. It tended to be technically oriented with lots of projects to build yourself but it also had reviews and other coverage. Some issues were quite large. The March 1980 issue includes:
Byte (March 1980) | PeakDThe Craic performs 'Barentanz' at the 2020 Brevard Renaissance Fair in Melbourne, Florida.
Brevard Renaissance Fair 2020: The Craic Show (16) - BarentanzAll of these photos were taken circa 1959. I believe that they were all taken in Mexico.
The first photo features one of the pyramids in Teotihuacan. I believe this is the Pyramid of the Sun.
Vintage Photos - Lot 3 (425-428)Day four of MegaCon was Sunday a week ago. It is not as busy as Saturday but probably still busier than all of the other days. At least until later in the afternoon. This was also Super Bowl Sunday but I'm not sure if that really had any impact.
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MegaCon 2025 (4)Compute! covered various home computers over the years. It was a little less technical than Byte (for example) at least in terms of hardware coverage. However, it was a great magazine and had numerous spin-off, the most successful of which was Gazette for the Commodore 64/128. The March 1988 issue of Compute! includes:
Compute! (March 1988)All of these photos were taken circa 1959 in Miami and New York.
See below for more photos from this set:
Vintage Photos - Lot 3 (421-424) | PeakDDay three of MegaCon was Saturday. This is typically the busiest day of the con and this year was no exception. Foot traffic in the vendor hall is absurdly tight. Doing any shopping is really impractical as far as I'm concerned. I did, however, walk up and down most of the aisles to get some crowd video (which I will eventually post, probably years from now when I catch up). That meant this was another day of bumper to bumper panels.
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MegaCon 2025 (3) | PeakDAll of the photos in this set were taken in Mexico in the 1950s. These are all from glass slides which stopped being common in the mid 1950s.
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Vintage Photos - Lot 3 (417-420) | PeakDComputer Gaming World was my favorite computer gaming magazine and a very long running one. The first issue was published in 1981 and in 2006 it was bought by Microsoft and turned into Games for Windows. Despite this, it kept much of the same format and staff as before so it continued to be a good magazine it just didn't survive much longer. The June 1992 issue includes:
Computer Gaming World (June 1992) | PeakDDuring day two of MegaCon I spent very little time in the vendor area. It was mostly just a crossing point from one end of the convention center to the other where the panels were. My plans is usually to explore the vendor area on Thursday and Sunday when it is likely to be the least busy.
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MegaCon 2025 (2)These photos, like other recent sets, were likely taken circa 1959. Most of these were taken in the Central Florida area including this one from Cypress Gardens.
Vintage Photos - Lot 3 (293-296)This photo features the Colonial Inn, a Miami Beach hotel. It was located at 2945 Collins Avenue but was demolished in the 1970s. This photo was taken circa 1959.
For more from this set:
Vintage Photos - Lot 3 (285-288)Computer Shopper, for much of its life, was a huge telephone book sized magazine with tons of ads of course but also tons of content. It had shrunk considerably by the turn of the century. The March 2001 issue, though much smaller than earlier years, was still a fairly hefty 250 pages. It includes:
Computer Shopper (March 2001)These photos are from circa 1959 and include Miami and Gettysburg as locations.
Vintage Photos - Lot 3 (281-284)These photos were taken circa and include Cypress Gardens and Cumberland Falls as locations. See more:
Vintage Photos - Lot 3 (277-280)All of the photos in this set would have been taken circa 1959 and all of them were likely taken in Mexico.
See more:
Vintage Photos - Lot 3 (273-276)This post includes the contents of DM0125.DOC. This file is dated September 2nd, 1985, This seems to be a file capture of a mail reading session.
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Digital Archaeology: Floppy Disk #14 – DM0125.DOCThis photo features the United States Regulars Monument at Gettysburg.
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Vintage Photos - Lot 3 (269-272)The Craic performs 'Batucada De Craic' at the 2020 Brevard Renaissance Fair in Melbourne, Florida.
Brevard Renaissance Fair 2020: The Craic Show (15) - Batucada De CraicLike other recent sets, these were all likely taken circa 1959.
The first photo is from Cypress Gardens. This amusement park is a bit east of the Tampa area. It is still there but now it is a Legoland.
See more: Vintage Photos - Lot 3 (261-264)Byte tended to be a technically oriented magazine that covered a large variety of computers. As the world moved more towards PC compatibility, its popularity faded. Some of the issues were massive, especially some of the earlier ones. This issue from February 1984 has nearly 550 pages and includes:
Byte (February 1984)The field used to be a bit more varied when it cae to football video games. These days, it seems like Madden is the only thing anybody plays. NFL Blitz is another series of football games that was first introduced as an arcade game in 1997. It was also ported to a few home platforms, including the Nintendo 64, the following year.
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NFL Blitz (Nintendo 64)The second photo features a boat called the Greyhound II. I found references to a charter fishing boat in Key West with that name that was operating in the 1950s. The best photo of it online I have found is here: - it does look like the same boat.
Vintage Photos - Lot 3 (237-240)Emerald Rose performs Take Me Down (to Her Water) at MegaCon 2012.
MegaCon 2012: Emerald Rose (7) - Take Me Down (to Her Water)Like other recent sets, these photos were likely taken circa 1959.
The first photo features the Virginia Monument which is a statue of Robert E. Lee mounted on Traveler. It is located in Gettysburg National Park.
Vintage Photos - Lot 3 (233-236)Byte was one of the more successful early computer magazines. It's popularity faded away as coverage moved away from more technical subjects and computer became more of a commodity item. It was definitely going strong in 1985 though. The November 1985 issue has over 500 pages and includes:
Byte (November 1985)This photo was taken circa 1959, probably at a Florida beach, possibly the Cocoa Beach are. See the below link for more photos from this set.
Vintage Photos - Lot 3 (229-232)