The Guide to Computer Living (November 1986)
The Guide to Computer Living was a Commodore specific magazine that was published in Oregon. It covered at least the Commodore 64, Commodore 128 and Amiga. As far as I can tell, it seemed to be popular regionally but not necessarily nationally. The November 1986 issue includes:
- RND (0) Notes - We now join "As The Disk Spins" in progress. Soap suds and silicon, the new fall line up.
- To The Editor - Complaints and kudos for Dr. Tim. But no defense of the VIC-20 this month. Sorry.
- CompuSex - And you thought we were kidding! C-P-U meets S-E-X and, thanks to this special section of The Guide, YOU ARE THERE.
- Adventures of a Baudy Lady - Log on, leer in and lather up. Sex with a modem. What's happening in the dim recesses of database services.
- Sex & Computers! - We promised...we delivered! Computers in compromising positions. A Guide Exclusive!
- Leather Goddesses Of Phobos - Tame, Suggestive or Lewd. Infocom breaks the no-no barrier (sort of) in their new "adult" adventure.
- Computer Widow - Turned off and abandoned. And we're not talking about the computer. Is there NOTHING left for a lonely housewife to do?
- IntraCourse - This sex survey program asks you about things you've never dreamed about and things you'd rather forget. Then it compares you to The National Average. An anxiety-maker endorsed by Dr. Joyce Brothers.
- Strip Poker - The game where you don't care if it doesn't play such a good game of cards. The computer amusement that made teenage boys happy.
- Computer Curmudgeon - From programming to puberty. One woman's perspective.
- BobsTerm Pro 128 - Signing-on was never more fun or more versatile. An outstanding terminal program moves to the C-128.
- FSD-1 Disk Drive - Cheaper than a 1541, smaller than a 1541 and it does all the same stuff. Why pay more?
- Freeze Frame - CardCo may be gone; but Freeze Frame continues to dump on their memory.
- VIP Professional MaxiPlan - One Amiga spreadsheet that does a Lotus 1 2 3 impersonation, another that talks. Now, what about one that does Ed Sullivan?
- Turbo MIRV - It's getting crowded in here! MIRV stuffs desktop utilities into the C-64/128 and there isn't enough room to move sideways.
- Quickies - Brisk and sometimes abrasive reviews of the latest in computer products. You read it here first.
- Potpourri - Technicolor zombies, nuclear holocaust and Commodore International. Amazing what's getting into the news these days.
- Real Gamers... - Bob winds up a new joystick and dusts off a couple oldies. You read it here first.
- Dr. Timothy Leary - From cave to keyboard. Dr. Leary looks East and describes the dawning of the computer age.
- Amiga Monthly - Vas ist DOS? Some handy AmigaDOS commands Commodore doesn't tell you about. Also Cinemaware preview, Mind Walker and The Music Studio.
- Beginner's Corner - Disk Data. How it gets there, where it goes, and what it means.
- Machine Language - Build your own computer without wire, pliers or spare parts. McCormick does it in software.
- More Computer Magic - "A State of Mind." This time the computer knows what state you're thinking of. Incredible.
- File Viewer - "And I wish that I could look at any file on my floppy disk." Wish granted.
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